Search result in the archive Sound Recordings: DIS/78.12 - Records found: 1869
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Title of Record: 4° movimento - Allegro finale - Sinfonia in "E" flat major - Mozart Performer: Arturo Toscanini
Title of Record: A casinha pequeninaMimosa Performer: Beniamimo Gigli, tenore
Title of Record: A Granada. PalciosAy, Ay, Ay. Perez Performer: Tito Schipa, tenore
Title of Record: A Granata. AlvarezAl chiaro di luna. Anton Performer: Enrico Caruso, tenore
Title of Record: A la luz de la luna Performer: Enrico Caruso, tenore
Title of Record: A tanto amor - La favorita Performer: Mattia Battistini, baritono
Title of Record: Abide with me Performer: Clara Butt, contralto
Title of Record: Addio Performer: Enrico Caruso
Title of Record: Addio - Tosti Performer: Enrico Caruso
Title of Record: Addio alla madre Performer: Enrico Caruso, tenore
Title of Record: Addio alla madre - Cavalleria rusticana Performer: Enrico Caruso
Title of Record: Addio alla madre, Cavalleria rusticana Performer: Enrico Caruso
Title of Record: Addio cigno. Lohengrin Performer: Jubinov
Title of Record: Addio di Boris. Moussorgsky Performer: Teodoro Schaljapin, basso
Title of Record: Addio Mignon, fa core. Mignon Performer: Fernando De Lucia
Title of Record: Addio, Mignon, fa core! Performer: Fernando De Lucia, tenore
Title of Record: Adriana Lecouvreur Performer: Adelaide Saraceni, soprano
Title of Record: Adriana Lecouvreur Performer: Magda Olivero, soprano
Title of Record: Adriana Lecouvreur. Cilea Performer: Maria Caniglia, soprano
Title of Record: Adriana Lecouvreur. CileaMadama Butterfly. Puccini Performer: Licia Albanese, soprano
Title of Record: Africana. MeyerbeerFaust. Gounod Performer: Beniamimo Gigli, tenore
Title of Record: Agnus DeiDomine Deus Performer: Enrico Caruso, tenore
Title of Record: Ah dispar vision Performer: Tito Schipa, tenore
Title of Record: Ah! non credea mirarti Performer: Adelina Patti, soprano
Title of Record: Ah! Non credea mirarti... La sonnambula Performer: Amelita Galli Curci, soprano
Title of Record: Ah! non mi ridestar Performer: Mattia Battistini, baritono
Title of Record: Ah! ritrovarla nella sua capanna Performer: Beniamimo Gigli, tenore
Title of Record: Ah! Si mio ben. Il Trovatore Performer: Enrico Caruso, tenore
Title of Record: Ah, Matilde, io t'amo e amore (Matilde, I Love Thee). William Tell Performer: Giovanni Martinelli, tenore
Title of Record: Ah, si ben mio - Il Trovatore Performer: Enrico Caruso
Search result in the archive Library: DIS/78.12 - Records found: 0
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Search result in the archive Photography: DIS/78.12 - Records found: 0
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