Sound Recordings

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Number of record found: 232
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Title of Record: Black Voice    Performer: Black Voice    


Title of Record: Blagovest Chorus (Russia). Coro russo ortodosso    


Title of Record: Blagovest Chorus (Russia). Coro russo ortodosso    


Title of Record: Blue Night 1992 Video MusicPresenta Clare Anne Matz    


Title of Record: Bluegrass. Italia    Performer: Bluegrass.    


Title of Record: Blues Prints - Musica Finta    


Title of Record: Bourderbala    Performer: Nass Marrakech    


Title of Record: Bratsch (Francia)    


Title of Record: Bussu Ganga (Marocco)    


Title of Record: Caffé Concerto Strauss (italia)    


Title of Record: Canasteros. Francia    Performer: Canasteros    


Title of Record: Carlos Nunez (Spagna)    


Title of Record: Celentano Show    Performer: Les Tambours du Bronx    


Title of Record: Celentano Show (Replica)    Performer: Les Tambours du Bronx    


Title of Record: Chant Thermiques de l'Orgue a feu    Performer: Michel Moglia    


Title of Record: Che Tango Che    Performer: Oscar Benavidez    


Title of Record: Chhou Baul (india)    


Title of Record: Chiara di terra    Performer: ALEF Danzateatro    


Title of Record: Cinetrip Vizi-Mozi    Performer: Cinetrip Vizi-Mozi    


Title of Record: Commedia Armonica (Italia)    


Title of Record: Compagnia Ananda (Italia)    


Title of Record: Concert a Bobo - Dioulasso    Performer: Farafina    


Title of Record: Concert a Bobo-Dioulasso - Burkina Faso    Performer: Farafina    


Title of Record: Concerto Grosso    Performer: New Trolls    


Title of Record: Concerto Lirico Internazionale (Italia)Demotape 1998    


Title of Record: Contemporary gypsy folk band    Performer: Ando Drom    


Title of Record: Coreografie di Angela Leone (Italia)    


Title of Record: Coro Polifonico di Tirana (Albania)    


Title of Record: David Sylvian (Inghilterra)    


Title of Record: Davy Spillane (Irlanda)    


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